Sunday, December 27, 2009

End of Life Care

The New York Times published an article today about palliative sedation, the medical topic we are currently evaluating.

    "Months to Live: Hard Choice for a Comfortable Death: Sedation"

    "Inducing sleep with drugs near the end of life is a widely used treatment even as it vexes families and doctors."

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Friend your doc on Facebook?

Do online friends help you cope with your illness?  Do you see value in "friending" your nurse, doctor, or care provider on Facebook or sites like Caring Bridge & Carepages? Does it concern you if your health care provider googled you?

Please let us know - we are evaulating weblog policies for the Harvard teaching hospitals & want your views represented.

Thank you for helping us!
- The Community Ethics Committee of Boston